Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rock Band 2

Woohoo, Rockband 2 is here !! Finally i have gotten myself a set of RB 2 as for X'mas present. Rockband is in my wanted list for sometime since release of Rockband 1 but has been hesitate to get it since its a little pricey & its just me who's playing it (solo). The trade-off is i have to let go a number of my fav. Wii titles for Rockband. All i can say is i 've lotsa fun with it, likes the gameplay, solid built instrument esp. the guitar which is very well made, the selection of songs are good even the sound quality is extremely high quality.

Here is the preview of the Rockband 2 instrument. The special edition comes with a mic, a set of drum and a guitar. Firstly the drum looks easy to start with but it is not! you're definately requires lot of training.

You'll have even more fun when there is 3 players. Yesterday night was my first experience with 3 players, just can't stop playing it w/ lotsa laughter as well. There are huge selection of tracks or packs thru the PSN to choose from ~ rock/pop, metal, alternative and etc. what you need is yr CC to purchase yr favourite track. Thanks to friendly forumers from Rockband thread who takes the initiative to organise, plan and share the Rockband DLC with a minimum fund else i will not able to obtain these great tracks to play with. Thanks ! (you know who you are)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wii : Animal Crossing  どうぶつ の 森 -City Folk

In Animal Crossing-City Folk, town has an unique fruit~ pear, cherry, orange, peach, so my town has been blessed with Pears. There are lots of activities to do in Animal Crossing likewise collecting fruits, fossils, fishing, seashells, decorate yr room based on themes & feng-shui, crossbreed flowers, buy new clothing and a treat yourself a new hair cut in town. Items such as fishes, insects, fossils you may donate and be display in the museum.

Thru the WIFI, you may connect to your friends to visit their towns. Furthermore, you can chat with each other using Wii Speak.

The time in animal crossing reflects real-time. So you gotta keep tracks the festive seasons likewise fishing tourney, Christmas, Harvest Festival and so on throughout the year long. This title will definitely has a lot to offer especially re-playability value. If you haven't play Animal Crossing before like me then you should pick this up.